Product Model | ስፋት | ቮልቴጅ | Max W/m | Cut | Lm/M | ቀለም | ጩኸት | IP | Control | L70 |
MF328W126Q90-D027T1A10 | 10ኤምኤም | DC24V | 12ወ | 55.55ኤምኤም | 1524 | 2700ኬ | 80 | IP20/IP67 | On/Off PWM | 35000H |
MF328W126Q90-D030T1A10 | 10ኤምኤም | DC24V | 12ወ | 55.55ኤምኤም | 1605 | 3000ኬ | 80 | IP20/IP67 | On/Off PWM | 35000H |
MF328W126Q90-D040T1A10 | 10ኤምኤም | DC24V | 12ወ | 55.55ኤምኤም | 1690 | 4000ኬ | 80 | IP20/IP67 | On/Off PWM | 35000H |
MF328W126Q90-D050T1A10 | 10ኤምኤም | DC24V | 12ወ | 55.55ኤምኤም | 1740 | 5000ኬ | 80 | IP20/IP67 | On/Off PWM | 35000H |
MF328W126Q90-D065T1A10 | 10ኤምኤም | DC24V | 12ወ | 55.55ኤምኤም | 1775 | 6500ኬ | 80 | IP20/IP67 | On/Off PWM | 35000H |
In the lighting industry, the use of wall washing light is very wide, urban building lighting, park lighting, road and bridge lighting, etc., there are wall washing light figure.The traditional wall washing lamp is a hard body wall washing lamp, which requires relatively high installation space, large volume, difficult installation, high cost and so on. With the advent of flexible wall washing lamp, compared with hardware wall washing lamp, the use of flexible silica gel material, good flexibility, flexible size, suitable for a narrower installation space, rich light effect, to meet a richer installation scene, so it is favored.Flexible wall washing lamp adopts high waterproof material to achieve high grade waterproof, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance and other excellent characteristics.
Flexible wall washing lamp has obvious advantages in the construction lighting industry, which can not only reduce the requirements for installation space, but also save costs and achieve richer use scenarios.It is not only low production cost, low freight and plasticity,Can save a lot of installation costs and procedures.
We have standard series which use 10mm PCB and pro series use 12mm PCB.Pro seies has IP65 DIY connector also with CCT and DMX wihte light version.Different with other wallwasher strip,our bead angle is narrower,36 degree.Light intensity is up to 2000CD and more lumen at the same distance compare to SMD LED strip.Compare with 120 degree angle of conventional strip light,it has more concentrated lighting,longer irradiation distance,and higher output light under the same luminous flux.Why we say it's better than big wallwasher,it's flexible,installation is very convenient, save the tedious installation steps, save the installation cost.Also good for update and maintenance.
Compared with the ordinary light strip, it has smaller light Angle and better lighting effect. It is used in many cabinets and can replace the ordinary SMD light strip.Led wall washing lamp is more energy saving than the traditional wall washing lamp, large area for a long time can be used for the city to save objective electricity consumption,most project slowly replace the traditional wall washing strip with flexible wall washing strip.And LED wall wash light will not release harmful substances, green environmental protection, will not destroy the environment.
Led wall washer strip has many colors, rich beam Angle, complete color temperature, monochrome,RGB magic light effect,can be controlled through the program, change a variety of wall wash effect, so that the light becomes very colorful. It is suitable for the installation and use of different types of buildings.
If you need to use with other light strips,we can give suggestion.Maybe you also need some high voltage strip,Neon flex for outside decoration,length,power and lumen can make as your requirement!No need to worry about the quality and delivery time,we have our own workshop more than Twenty thousand square meters,complete production equipment and testing machines.The product series includes SMD series,COB series,CSP series,Neon flex,High voltage strip,Dynamic pixel strip and Wall-washer strip.If you need sample for test or any other information,please contact our sales! ለ OEM እና ODM ምንም ችግር የለውም ?
ትጥቅ ማብራት ለ OEM እና ODM ትዕዛዝ ሙያዊ ነው።. ምርቱን የማስቀጠል እና ጥሩውን ጥራት ለማረጋገጥ የበለጸገ ልምድ አለን።.
Q2. MOQ ምንድን ነው? አንዳንድ ናሙናዎች ሊኖሩኝ ይችላሉ ?
ዝቅተኛ MOQ, 1 ፒሲዎች ለናሙና መፈተሻ ጥራት አለ የናሙናዎች ማዘዣ ተቀባይነት አላቸው እና ለፕሮጀክትዎ ብጁ ናሙናዎችን እንኳን ደህና መጡ.
Q3. የመሪነት ጊዜ ምን ያህል ነው?
ናሙና ፍላጎቶች 3-5 ቀናት, ብዛት ቅደም ተከተል 10-15 ቀናት ያስፈልገዋል
Q4.እቃዎቹን እንዴት እንደሚላኩ እና ለመድረስ ምን ያህል ጊዜ እንደሚወስድ?
እኛ ብዙውን ጊዜ በDHL እንልካለን።, ኡፕስ, FedEx ወይም TNT. ብዙውን ጊዜ ይወስዳል 3-5 ሊደርሱ ቀናት ይቀራሉ የአየር መንገድ እና የባህር ማጓጓዣ እንዲሁ አማራጭ ነው።.
Q5.ለ ብጁ ብርሃን ትዕዛዝ እንዴት እንደሚቀጥል ?
አንደኛ, የእርስዎን መስፈርቶች ወይም ስዕል ያሳውቁን.ሁለተኛ, እንደ መስፈርቶችዎ እንጠቅሳለን.ሦስተኛ, እርስዎ አረጋግጠዋል እና ለመደበኛ ትዕዛዝ ክፍያ ያዘጋጃሉ. በመጨረሻም, ምርቱን እንጀምራለን እና ጭነት እናዘጋጃለን.
Q6. ለዋስትናው ለምን ያህል ጊዜ?
ሁሉም የአርሞር ብርሃን ምርቶች ጥራት ነው። 3 ዓመታት, lf ብጁ የፕሮጀክት ምርቶች ከ 5 ዓመት ዋስትና ጋር. የእኔን LoGo በምርቱ ላይ ማተም ምንም ችግር የለውም ?
አዎ, እባክዎን ከማምረትዎ በፊት በመደበኛነት ያሳውቁን እና ንድፉን በመጀመሪያ በእኛ ናሙና ላይ ያረጋግጡ.
Q8. ጥፋቱን እንዴት መቋቋም እንደሚቻል?
እናቀርባለን። 2, 3 እና 5 ለተለያዩ የምርት ዓይነቶች ወይም የመብራት ፕሮጄክቶች ልዩ ልዩ መስፈርቶች የአመት ውሱን ዋስትና. በዚህ ወቅት, ደንበኞች የማሳያ ጥራት ጉዳዮች ካላቸው እና ማስረጃው በጦር መሣሪያ ብርሃን መሐንዲሶች የጸደቀ ከሆነ, ጉድለት ያለባቸውን በአዲስ ብቁ እቃዎች መተካት እንፈልጋለን.
እባክዎን ዋስትና ከእድሜ ልክ ጋር እኩል እንዳልሆነ ልብ ይበሉ.የእኛ ምርቶች ከ 50000-ሰዓት በላይ የህይወት ዘመን አላቸው..
Q9.Can l የእርስዎን ፋብሪካ ይጎብኙ?
በእርግጠኝነት,ፋብሪካችንን ለመጎብኘት እንኳን ደህና መጡ. ከሁለት ቀናት በፊት የእርስዎን የጉብኝት መርሃ ግብር እና ፍላጎት ያላቸውን ምርቶች ያሳውቀናል።.
Q10.እርስዎ ፋብሪካ ወይም የንግድ ኩባንያ ነዎት?
እኛ ፋብሪካ በቀጥታ ወደ ባህር ገበያ እንልካለን።.
Q11.ለማንኛውም ታዋቂ የምርት መደብር የመብራት የሊድ መብራትን ታቀርባላችሁ?
አዎ,የእኛ መሪ ማከማቻ መብራት ለ LANCOME አቅርቦት ነበረው። , LEGO,ቀጣይ,አሠልጣኝ, የቡርት ንብ,ሃስብሮ, ቦት ጫማዎች,ብራውን,ኤም&ኤስ ወዘተ.
የምርት ምክር