24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED
24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED
24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED
24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED
24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED
24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED

●Impressively uniform with Standard Deviation Colour Matching <3
●Higher output light under the same luminous flux.
●Concentrated lighting and longer irradiation distance
●Working/Storage Temperature: Ta:-30~55°C / 0°C~60°C.
●Lifespan: 35000H, 3 urteko bermea

Produktuaren xehetasuna Iritzia orain

24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED-


Product Model Zabalera Tentsioa Max W/m Cut Lm/M Kolore CRI IP Control L70
MF328U140Q00-D027T0A12 12MM DC24V 15W 100MM 1680 2700-6500K 80 IP20/IP67 DMX control 35000H


24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED-




24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED-

In the lighting industry, the use of wall washing light is very wide, urban building lighting, park lighting, road and bridge lighting, etc., there are wall washing light figure.The traditional wall washing lamp is a hard body wall washing lamp, which requires relatively high installation space, large volume, difficult installation, high cost and so on. With the advent of flexible wall washing lamp, compared with hardware wall washing lamp, the use of flexible silica gel material, malgutasun ona, flexible size, suitable for a narrower installation space, rich light effect, to meet a richer installation scene, so it is favored.Flexible wall washing lamp adopts high waterproof material to achieve high grade waterproof, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance and other excellent characteristics.

Flexible wall washing lamp has obvious advantages in the construction lighting industry, which can not only reduce the requirements for installation space, but also save costs and achieve richer use scenarios.It is not only low production cost, low freight and plasticity,Can save a lot of installation costs and procedures.

We have standard series which use 10mm PCB and pro series use 12mm PCB.Pro seies has IP65 DIY connector also with CCT and DMX wihte light version.Different with other wallwasher strip,our bead angle is narrower,36 degree.Light intensity is up to 2000CD and more lumen at the same distance compare to SMD LED strip.Compare with 120 degree angle of conventional strip light,it has more concentrated lighting,longer irradiation distance,and higher output light under the same luminous flux.Why we say it's better than big wallwasher,it's flexible,installation is very convenient, save the tedious installation steps, save the installation cost.Also good for update and maintenance.

Compared with the ordinary light strip, it has smaller light Angle and better lighting effect. It is used in many cabinets and can replace the ordinary SMD light strip.Led wall washing lamp is more energy saving than the traditional wall washing lamp, large area for a long time can be used for the city to save objective electricity consumption,most project slowly replace the traditional wall washing strip with flexible wall washing strip.And LED wall wash light will not release harmful substances, green environmental protection, will not destroy the environment.

Led wall washer strip has many colors, rich beam Angle, complete color temperature, monochrome,RGB magic light effect,can be controlled through the program, change a variety of wall wash effect, so that the light becomes very colorful. It is suitable for the installation and use of different types of buildings.

If you need to use with other light strips,we can give suggestion.Maybe you also need some high voltage strip,Neon flex for outside decoration,luzera,power and lumen can make as your requirement!No need to worry about the quality and delivery time,we have our own workshop more than Twenty thousand square meters,complete production equipment and testing machines.The product series includes SMD series,COB series,CSP series,Neon flex,High voltage strip,Dynamic pixel strip and Wall-washer strip.If you need sample for test or any other information,please contact our sales!



24V-Mini Wallwasher-140LED-

Q1.Ondo dago OEM eta ODMrentzat ?

Armor argiztapena OEM eta ODM eskaerarako profesionala da. Esperientzia aberatsa dugu ekoizpena aurrera eramateko eta kalitate ona ziurtatzeko.


Q2.Zer da MOQ? Lagin batzuk har ditzaket ?

MOQ baxua, 1 Laginaren kalitatea egiaztatzeko piezak eskuragarri daude Laginen eskaera onargarria da eta ongi etorri zure proiekturako lagin pertsonalizatuak.


Q3.Epea zenbat denbora?

Lagin beharrak 3-5 egunak, kantitate eskaerak 10-15 egun behar ditu


Q4.Nola bidaltzen dituzu salgaiak eta zenbat denbora behar da iristeko?

Normalean DHL bidez bidaltzen dugu, UPS, FedEx edo TNT. Normalean hartzen du 3-5 egunak iristeko.Airelineaetaitsasbidalketa ere aukeran.


Q5.Nola jarraitu argi pertsonalizaturako eskaera ?

Lehenengoa, jakinarazi zure eskakizunak edo marrazkia.Bigarrena, zure eskakizunen arabera aipatzen dugu.Hirugarrena, eskaera formalaren ordainketa berresten eta antolatzen duzu.Azkenik, ekoizpena hasiko dugu eta bidalketa antolatuko dugu.


Q6.Zenbat denbora bermerako?

Armor argiztapen produktuen kalitatea da 3 urteak, Proiektu pertsonalizatutako produktuak 5 urteko bermearekin.


Q7.Ondo dago nire LoGo produktuan inprimatzea ?

Bai, mesedez jakinarazi formalki produkzioa baino lehen eta berretsi diseinua lehenik gure laginaren arabera.


8.G. Nola aurre egin akastunari?

eskaintzen dugu 2, 3 eta 5 urteko berme mugatua produktu mota desberdinetarako edo argiztapen proiektuen eskakizun desberdinetarako. Aldi honetan, bezeroek kalitate-arazoak erakusten dituzten frogak badituzte eta froga hori armadura-argiztapeneko ingeniariek onartzen badute, akastunak elementu kualifikatu berriekin ordezkatu nahi ditugu.

Kontuan izan bermea ez dela bizi-iraupenaren parekoa. Gure produktuek 50.000 ordu baino gehiagoko iraupena dute..


Q9.Zure fabrika bisitatu dezaket?

Noski,Ongi etorri gure fabrika bisitatzera. Bi egun baino lehen zure bisita-egutegia eta interesa duten produktuen berri eman diezaguke.


Q10.Are fabrika edo merkataritza enpresa zara?

Fabrika zuzenean esportatzen dugu itsasoko merkatura.


Q11.Ez hornitzen al duzu led argiztapena marka ospetsuko edozein dendari Argiztapena?

Bai,gure led denda Argiztapenak LANCOMEren hornidura zuen , LEGO,HURRENGOA,ENTRENATZAILEA, Burt's Bee,Hasbro, Botak,BRAUN,M&S etab.

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