Inpuf and Oufput | |
Input voliage | 12-48VDC |
Output voliage | 3-46VDC |
Ouput current | 1CH,350mA/700mA |
Output power | 1.05W-16.1W(350mA)
2.1W-32.2W(700mA) |
Ouput ype | Constant volage |
Dimming data | |
Input signal | RF 2.4GHz + Push Dim |
Control distance | 30m(Barrier-free space) |
Dimming gray scale | 4096(2^12)levels |
Dimming range | 0 -100% |
Dimming curve | Logarithmic |
Safety and EMC | |
EMC standard (EMC) | EN301 489,EN 62479 |
Safety standard(LVD | EN60950 |
Radio Equipment(RED) | EN 300 328 |
Certification | CE,EMC,LVD,RED |
Dimming curve | Logarithmic |
Environment | |
Operation temperature | Ta: -30°C ~ +55°C |
Case temperature (Max.) | T c:+85°C |
IP balorazioa | IP20 |
Warranty and Protection | |
Bermea | 5 urteak |
Protection | Reverse polarity Short circuit |
Weight | |
Net weight | 0.042kg |
Gross weight | 0.058kg |
Mechanical Structures and Installations |
1.The controller could auto check and output a proper voltage according to its LED quantities.
2.The controller works on buck mode, the voltage of power supply should be greater than the total voltage of the seried LEDs. |
Match Remote Control (two match ways)
End user can choose the suitable match/delete ways. Two options are offered for selection:
Use the controller’s Match key
Match: Delete: |
Use Power Restart
Match: Delete: |
Application notes
1.All the receivers in the same zone. |
Auto-transmitting: One receiver can transmit the signals from the remote to another receiver within 30m,
as long as there is a receiver within 30m, the remote control distance can be limitless. Auto-synchronization: Multiple receivers within 30m distance can work synchronously when they are controlled by the same remote. Receiver placement may offer up to 30m communication distance. Metals and other metal materials will reduce the range. Strong signal sources such as WiFi routers and microwave ovens will affect the range. We recommend for indoor applications that receiver placements should be no further apart than15m.
2.Each receiver(one or more) in a different zone, like zone 1, 2, 3 or 4. |
Push Dim Function
The provided Push-Dim interface allows for a simple dimming method using commercially available non-latching (momentary) wall switchs.
Turn on or off light.
Press and hold to step-less dimming, With every other long press, the light level goes to the opposite direction.
Light returns to the previous dimming level when switched off and on again, even at power failure.
If more than one controller are connected to the same push switch, do a long press for more than 10s, then the system is synchronized and all lights in the group dim up to 100%. This means there is no need for any additional synchrony wire in larger installations. We recommend the number of controllers connected to a push switch does not exceed 25 pieces, The maximum length of the wires from push to controller should be no more than 20 metroak.
Dimming Curve
Malfunctions Analysis & Troubleshooting |
Malfunctions | Causes | Troubleshooting |
No light | 1. No power.
2.Wrong connection or insecure. |
1.Check the power.
2.Check the connection. |
No response
from the remote |
1.The battery has no power.
2.Beyond controllable distance. 3.The controller did not match the remote. |
1.Replace battery.
2.Reduce remote distance. 3.Re-match the remote. |
Q1.Ondo dago OEM eta ODMrentzat ?
Armor argiztapena OEM eta ODM eskaerarako profesionala da. Esperientzia aberatsa dugu ekoizpena aurrera eramateko eta kalitate ona ziurtatzeko.
Q2.Zer da MOQ? Lagin batzuk har ditzaket ? MOQ baxua, 1 Laginaren kalitatea egiaztatzeko piezak eskuragarri daude Laginen eskaera onargarria da eta ongi etorri zure proiekturako lagin pertsonalizatuak.
Q3.Epea zenbat denbora? Lagin beharrak 3-5 egunak, kantitate eskaerak 10-15 egun behar ditu
Q4.Nola bidaltzen dituzu salgaiak eta zenbat denbora behar da iristeko? Normalean DHL bidez bidaltzen dugu, UPS, FedEx edo TNT. Normalean hartzen du 3-5 egunak iristeko.Airelineaetaitsasbidalketa ere aukeran.
Q5.Nola jarraitu argi pertsonalizaturako eskaera ? Lehenengoa, jakinarazi zure eskakizunak edo marrazkia.Bigarrena, zure eskakizunen arabera aipatzen dugu.Hirugarrena, eskaera formalaren ordainketa berresten eta antolatzen duzu.Azkenik, ekoizpena hasiko dugu eta bidalketa antolatuko dugu.
Q6.Zenbat denbora bermerako? Armor argiztapen produktuen kalitatea da 3 urteak, Proiektu pertsonalizatutako produktuak 5 urteko bermearekin.
Q7.Ondo dago nire LoGo produktuan inprimatzea ? Bai, mesedez jakinarazi formalki produkzioa baino lehen eta berretsi diseinua lehenik gure laginaren arabera.
8.G. Nola aurre egin akastunari? eskaintzen dugu 2, 3 eta 5 urteko berme mugatua produktu mota desberdinetarako edo argiztapen proiektuen eskakizun desberdinetarako. Aldi honetan, bezeroek kalitate-arazoak erakusten dituzten frogak badituzte eta froga hori armadura-argiztapeneko ingeniariek onartzen badute, akastunak elementu kualifikatu berriekin ordezkatu nahi ditugu. Kontuan izan bermea ez dela bizi-iraupenaren parekoa. Gure produktuek 50.000 ordu baino gehiagoko iraupena dute..
Q9.Zure fabrika bisitatu dezaket? Noski,Ongi etorri gure fabrika bisitatzera. Bi egun baino lehen zure bisita-egutegia eta interesa duten produktuen berri eman diezaguke.
Q10.Are fabrika edo merkataritza enpresa zara? Fabrika zuzenean esportatzen dugu itsasoko merkatura.
Q11.Ez hornitzen al duzu led argiztapena marka ospetsuko edozein dendari Argiztapena? Bai,gure led denda Argiztapenak LANCOMEren hornidura zuen , LEGO,HURRENGOA,ENTRENATZAILEA, Burt's Bee,Hasbro, Botak,BRAUN,M&S etab. |
Produktuen gomendioa