Two-wire Symmetrical Flat Power Track
Two-wire Symmetrical Flat Power Track
Two-wire Symmetrical Flat Power Track
Two-wire Symmetrical Flat Power Track
Two-wire Symmetrical Flat Power Track
Bi hari simetriko laua Power Track
Produktuaren xehetasuna Iritzia orain

Bi hari simetriko laua Power Track

The product is compact in structure, small size, saves space, and is widely used invarious display cabinets, shop windows , shelves, decorative cabinets and otherproduct display counters to access power


Item :Two-wire Power Track Section Size: 16.4*6.4mm
Carrying Current <15A Slote Size: NO slot
Tentsioa: 12V~36V DC Material: flame resistant PC plastic+copper
Installation Method: soft magnet tape installation
Regular Color: white, black (other colors can be customized)
Regular Length: 1.0m/1.2m/1.5m /1.8m (other lengths can be customized)
Input interface with 500mm long 2*1.5 mm² UL wires
1.Suitable Adapterrotating flat adapter
2.Insert the adapter vertically into the power track first, then turn the adapter counter clock wise to be parallel to the power track
3.After rotation, the positive and negative poles of the adapter correspond to the positive and negative poles of the power track.
Small Size & Save Space
The surface is flush with the displaycabinet panel, and the volume is smal1,which can make the shelf/container neatand beautiful,this design can be used to extend tracklength, saving space and facilitating transportation
Reasonable Structure & Firm and Durable

Simple and generous structure, meticulous workmanship, stable and good quality


Simple installation

can be connected to any position of the power track to obtain power.

Easily Installation with soft magnet tape

Soft magnetic strip design on the back, easy to install, beautiful and elegant.

Q1: Zein da zure eskaera gutxieneko kantitatea?
A:Normalean MOQ 50 m-koa da, baina eskaera txikia ere onartzen dugu biderako.

Q2:Doako lagin eskaera eskuragarri dago?
A: Noski, Gure kalitatea egiaztatu dezakezu eskaera egin aurretik. Baldintzarik baduzu, mesedez jarri gurekin harremanetan.

Q3:Epea zenbat denbora?
A: Normalean,gure epea da 7-10 lanegunak.Eskaera kopuruaren araberakoa da.Baina eskaera premiazkoa bada, premiazko ekoizpena eska dezakegu 20-25 egunak.

Q4:LED banda pertsonalizatu daiteke?
A:Noski,zure eskakizun gisa ekoiztu dezakegu, hala nola LEDak,boterea,luzera eta maila iragazgaitza. OEM ere eskaintzen dugu&ODM.

Q5:Zein da zure bermea?
A:Daukagu 3 urteak eta 5 urteko bermea

6.G:Itsasoko bidalketa hornitzen al duzu?
A: BAI,Gure bidalketa agentzia dugu
FOB Guangzhou,FCL hornitzea&LCL.
7.G:Zure argiztapen-ekipoak CE ziurtagiri edo gehiago al ditu?
A: Bai, CE ziurtagiria eta UL ditugu, ROHS, ASTUAK,ETL,TUV,FCC,Energy star etab. IATF/ISO/TS bat ere badugu 16949 ziurtagiria.
8.G:Posible al da gure logoa jartzea zure produktuaren edo produktuaren ontzian?
A:Bai, 6 solairuko fabrika dugu, ongi etorri zure marka pertsonalizatzera, LOGOA, kolore, produktuaren eskuliburua, bilgarri, etab.
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