Assess customer demand
Initial design cost&Tooling cost
Professional R&D team
Proto making&testing
Mold design, processing, manufacture
Mass production
Armor argiztapena OEM eta ODM eskaerarako profesionala da. We have rich experience to proceed the production and ensure the good quality.
Lagin beharrak 3-5 egunak, kantitate eskaerak 10-15 egun behar ditu
Normalean DHL bidez bidaltzen dugu, UPS, FedEx edo TNT. It usually takes 3-5 days to arrive. Airline and sea shipping also optional.
Lehenengoa, jakinarazi zure eskakizunak edo marrazkia.Bigarrena, we quote according to your requirements.Third, eskaera formalaren ordainketa berresten eta antolatzen duzu.Azkenik, we will start the production and arrange shipment.
Armor argiztapen produktuen kalitatea da 3 urteak, If customized project products with 5 urteko bermea.
Bai, please inform us formally before production and confirm the design firstly based on our sample.
Noski,Ongi etorri gure fabrika bisitatzera. Can lets us know your visit schedule before two days and your interested products.
Fabrika zuzenean esportatzen dugu itsasoko merkatura.
Bai,gure led denda Argiztapenak LANCOMEren hornidura zuen , LEGO, HURRENGOA, ENTRENATZAILEA, Burt’s Bee, Hasbro, Botak, BRAUN, M&S etab.