
  • Ceangal càball DC

    1.The power connector with buckle design, easy to install and disassemble 2.Design stern notch with cable protect , more stable and durable 3.High quality red copper material, good electrical conductivity 4.Suitable for shelf lighting in supermarkets and chain stores Voltage Ampere Color Length 12/24v DC Max 3A Black/White…
  • Siostam slighe cumhachd magnetach Super -Thin

    Siostam Rian Cumhachd Magnetic Super-Thin Ainm Bathar Sònrachadh Dath Càball cinn toraidh cumhachd (Airson solais ) Seòrsa uèir: 2468 22Awg, fad: 400mm, ceann toraidh cumhachd aig aon cheann, Ceann bucall DuPont an-aghaidh tarraing aig an earball, dà magnets air an uèir, agus is e an sruth as àirde a tha ceadaichte 3A dubh /…
  • Plug cumhachd

            square/Specification Specification of copper wire without oxygen Current voltage The most powerful Wire diameter 3x0.5 Three core a total of 66 0.17mm copper wire 10A250V 1500W 6mm 3x0.75 Three core a total of 72 0.20mm copper wire 10A250V 2000W 6.8mm 3x1 Three core a total of…
  • Càball leudachadh cumhachd DC

    Ordering processOrdering process 1. Confirm plug specifications 2. One meter of conventional line (customized according to customer needs) 3. Determine the size of the DC header 4. Confirm details and arrange proofing 5. Sample confirmation pre-payment order 6. Production cycle confirmation reply 7.…
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