Stiùir solair

  • MINI Flexible Magnetic Power Track System

      MINI Flexible Magnetic Power Track System Because of its compact structure, meud beag agus sàbhaladh àite, tha an toradh air a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann an diofar chùisean taisbeanaidh, Windows agus sgeilpichean. Deagh dhealbhadh solais uinneig is stòr, gus am bi cuimhne aig luchd-cleachdaidh air a’ bhrand, faic mion-fhiosrachadh an toraidh, so…
  • DC connecting cable-HM-L824-Supply Lead

                  product model HM-L824-Supply Lead product name JST 24 connection system interface type AC/DC specification ength:14.2mm width:7.5mm height:6.5mm craftsmanship injection molding feature dampproof kind Line to line Contact with the material Nylon/copper applied range LED main application DC line …
  • DC connecting cable-HM24D6-Supply Lead

                  product model HM24D6-Supply Lead product name 760 connector system interface type AC/DC specification length:37mm width:73.5mm height:14.5mm craftsmanship injection molding feature dampproof kind Line to line Contact with the material Nylon/copper applied range LED main application Route 6 distributor …
  • DC connecting cable-HM24D2-Supply Lead

                product model HM24D2-Supply Lead product name 760 connector system interface type AC/DC specification length:37.5mm width:25.5mm height:13mm craftsmanship injection molding feature dampproof kind Line to line Contact with the material Nylon/copper applied range LED main application Route 2 distributor …
12 Duilleag 1 à 2

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