Controller Supply-HM-V1-T
Controller Supply-HM-V1-T
  • RF remote, 0/1-10V, Push Dim (3-in-1) lasadh.
  • 4096 levels 0-100% dimming smoothly without any flflash.
  • Match with RF 2.4G single zone or multiple zone dimming remote control.
  • One RF controller accept up to 10 remote control.
  • Auto-transmitting function: Controller automatically transmit signal to another controller with 15m control distance.
  • Synchronize on multiple number of controllers.
  • Connect with external push switch to achieve on/off and 0-100% dimming function.
  • Light on/off fade time 3s selectable.
  • Over-heat / Over-load / Short circuit protection, recover automatically
Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh Fios air ais a-nis




Inpuf and Oufput
Input voliage 12-24VDC
Input current 20.5A
Output voltage 12-24VDC
Output current 1CH,20A
Output power 240W/480W


Ouput ype Constant volage


Dimming data
Input signal RF 2.4GHz


Push Dim

Control distance 15m(Barrier-free space)
Dimming gray scale 4096(2^12)levels
Dimming range 0 -100%
Dimming curve Logarithmic
PWM Frequency 500Hz(default)



Safety and EMC
EMC standard (EMC) ETSI EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3

ETSI EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4

Safety standard(LVD EN 62368-1:2020+A11:2020
Radio Equipment(RED) ETSI EN 300 328 V2.2.2
Certification CE,EMC,LVD,RED



Operation temperature Aghaidh: -30°C ~ +55°C
Case temperature (Max.) T c:+85°C
Ìre IP IP20



Warranty and Protection
Warranty 5 bliadhnaichean
Protection Reverse polarity



Short circuit



Net weight 0.234kg
Gross weight 0.054kg






Mechanical Structures and Installations




Wiring Diagram






Note: The RF remote, 0/1-10V dimmer or Push switch can be connected at the same time,

which makes the product more user-friendly and more options to fit for some extra-ordinary demands.



Match Remote Control (two match ways)


End user can choose the suitable match/delete ways. Two options are offered for selection:


Use the controller’s Match key


Short press match key, immediately press on/off key (single zone remote) or zone key (multiple zone remote) of the remote. The LED indicator fast flash a few times means match is successful.

Press and hold match key for 5s to delete all match, The LED indicator fast flash a few times means all matched remotes were deleted.

Use Power Restart

Switch off the power, then switch on power, repeat again. Immediately short press on/off key (single zone remote) or zone key (multiple zone remote) 3 times quickly. The light blinks 3 times means match is successful.

Switch off the power, then switch on power, repeat again. Immediately short press on/off key (single zone remote) or zone key (multiple zone remote) 5 times quickly. The light blinks 5 times means all matched remotes were deleted.


0/1-10V Dimming

  • The 0/1-10V input is operable via commercially available simple rotary wall switchs designed for 0/1-10V dimming equipment or from decicated system central dimming controllers.
  • Compliant with 0-10V, 1-10V, 10V PWM, RX(4 in 1).
  • We recommend the number of LED drivers connected to 0/1-10V dimmer does not exceed 5 pieces,The maximum length of the wires from dimmer to LED driver should be no more than 15 meters.
  • If the controller be used with the RF remote or Push-Dim interface prior to using the 0/1-10V interface,the 0/1-10 V signal should change over 10% to return 0/1-10 V control.


Push Dim Function

The provided Push-Dim interface allows for a simple dimming method using commercially available non-latching (momentary) wall switchs.

  • Short press:

Turn on or off light.

  • Long press (1-6s):

Press and hold to step-less dimming,

With every other long press, the light level goes to the opposite direction.

  • Dimming memory:

Light returns to the previous dimming level when switched off and on again, even at power failure.

  • Synchronization:

If more than one controller are connected to the same push switch, do a long press for more than 10s,

then the system is synchronized and all lights in the group dim up to 100%.

This means there is no need for any additional synchrony wire in larger installations.

We recommend the number of controllers connected to a push switch does not exceed 25 pieces,

The maximum length of the wires from push to controller should be no more than 20 meters.


Dimming Curve




Light on/off fade time


Long press match key 5s, then short press match key 3 times, the light on/off time will be set to 3s, the indicator light blink 3 times. Light on/off fade time Long press match key 10s, restore factory default parameter, the light on/off time also restore to 0.5s.



Malfunctions Analysis & Troubleshooting


Malfunctions Causes Troubleshooting
No light 1. No power.

2.Wrong connection or insecure.

1.Check the power.

2.Check the connection.

Uneven intensity between front and rear,with voltage drop 1. Output cable is too long.

2. Wire diameter is too small.

3.Overload beyond power supply capability.

4.Overload beyond controller capability.

1.Reduce cable or loop supply.

2.Change wider wire.

3.Replace higher power supply.

4.Add power repeater.

No response from the remote 1.The battery has no power.

2. Beyond controllable distance.

3.The controller did not match the remote.

1. Replace battery.

2.Reduce remote distance.

3. Re-match the remote.



Controller Supply-HM-V1-T-

Controller Supply-HM-V1-T-


Controller Supply-HM-V1-T-


Controller Supply-HM-V1-T-


Controller Supply-HM-V1-T-

Q1.ls tha e ceart gu leòr airson OEM agus ODM ?

Tha solais armachd proifeasanta airson òrdugh OEM agus ODM. Tha eòlas beairteach againn gus an riochdachadh a thoirt air adhart agus dèanamh cinnteach à càileachd math.


Q2.What's an MOQ? Am faod mi cuid de shamhlaichean a bhith agam ?

MOQ ìosal, 1 pcs airson càileachd sgrùdadh sampall ri fhaighinn Gabhar ri òrdugh sampaill agus cuirear fàilte air na sampallan gnàthaichte airson do phròiseact.


Q3.How fada den ùine luaidhe?

Feumalachdan sampall 3-5 làithean, feumaidh òrdugh meud 10-15days


Q4.How a chuireas tu am bathar air falbh agus dè cho fada ’s a bheir e gus ruighinn?

Mar as trice bidh sinn gan cur air falbh le DHL, UPS, FedEx no TNT. Mar as trice bidh e a’ gabhail 3-5 làithean ri ruighinn.Airlineand mara luingeis cuideachd roghainneil.


Q5.How a dhol air adhart òrdugh airson gnàthaichte solais ?

A’ chiad, leig fios dhuinn do riatanasan no drawing.Second, tha sinn a 'togail a rèir yourrequirements.Third, bidh thu a’ dearbhadh agus a’ cur air dòigh pàigheadh ​​airson òrdugh foirmeil.Finally, tòisichidh sinn air an riochdachadh agus cuiridh sinn air dòigh an luchd.


Q6.How fada airson a 'bharantais?

Is e càileachd a h-uile toradh solais Armor 3 bliadhnaichean, lf bathar pròiseict gnàthaichte le barantas 5 bliadhna.


Q7.ls tha e ceart gu leòr mo LoGo a chlò-bhualadh air an toradh ?

Tha, feuch an cuir thu fios thugainn gu foirmeil mus dèan thu riochdachadh agus dearbhaich an dealbhadh an toiseach stèidhichte air an sampall againn.


Q8.How gus dèiligeadh ris an Sgàineadh?

Bidh sinn a’ tabhann 2, 3 agus 5 barantas cuibhrichte bliadhna airson diofar sheòrsaichean bathair no diofar riatanasan airson pròiseactan solais. Rè na h-ùine seo, ma tha dearbhadh aig luchd-ceannach air cùisean càileachd agus gu bheil an dearbhadh sin air aontachadh le innleadairean solais armachd, bu mhath leinn stuthan ùra le teisteanas a chuir an àite an fheadhainn easbhaidheach.

Thoir an aire nach eil barantas co-ionann ri fad-beatha.Tha beatha nas fhaide na 50000-uair aig na toraidhean againn.


Q9.Can l tadhal air an fhactaraidh agad?

Seadh,fàilte oirbh tadhal air an fhactaraidh againn. Is urrainn dhomh fios a chuir thugainn mun chlàr tadhail agad ro dà latha agus na toraidhean le ùidh agad.


Q10.Are thu factaraidh no companaidh malairt?

Tha sinn nar factaraidh gu dìreach às-mhalairt gu margaidh thar na mara.


Q11.An toir thu seachad solais stiùirichte gu stòr branda ainmeil Lighting?

Tha,bha solar aig a’ bhùth stiùir againn Lighting gu LANCOME , LEGO,ATHAIR,COISEACH, Seillean Burt,Hasbro, Brògan,BRAUN,m&S etc.




Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn: