DIY Tube Flexible 360 Degree D18 LED Neon Rope LED Light RGBW
DIY Tube Flexible 360 Degree D18 LED Neon Rope LED Light RGBW
DIY Tube Flexible 360 Degree D18 LED Neon Rope LED Light RGBW
DIY Tube Flexible 360 Degree D18 LED Neon Rope LED Light RGBW
DIY Tube Flexible 360 Degree D18 LED Neon Rope LED Light RGBW
DIY Tube Flexible 360 Degree D18 LED Neon Rope LED Light RGBW
Tube DIY sùbailte 360 Ceum D18 LED Neon Rope LED Light RGBW

We have also have white light and multiple color version for your reference,they especially suit fo rspatial decoration ,Domestic decoration hotel,garden,ceiling,floor stairs ect.

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh Fios air ais a-nis

360° D18 Neon Product advantage


-Circular tube profile supports 360° circular luminous surface, uniform luminous area without dark area, suitable for space decorative lighting;
-Free to cut any length can be rigid, flexible, plasticity, bending and pliable;
-IP67 waterproof grade, can be used outdoors, the use of silica gel material, flame retardant, corrosion resistance and UV resistance;
-50000 hours long life, 5 bliadhna barantas, UL and CE certification;
-High transmittance high purity silica gel material, protection grade IP67;
-Support multiple installation methods such as hanging and surface installation.
compared to D25 Neon,D25 colloid weighs 570g,while D18 only 295g, N.W for a meter is around 315g,Colloidal product decreased by 50%,price is around 11usd. .Smaller bending diameter,D25 Min. bending diameter is 200mm, D18 vertical bend can reach 150mm.
Cut as your mind

360° Light-Emitting

Diameter 18mm
Color Rendering Index
Beam Angle
Operating Ambient temperature Ta
-20-45° C [-4~113° F]
Input Current/m
Static Electricity
1000V (ESD)
Enery Grade


General Parameters

IES Data


1,Use D18 tube,appearance white,Spray handle oil after the product process;2,Produce size ∅18mm±0.25mm.

3,The head end uses a flat cap with front wire outlet which has same size as strip;
4,Use waterproof quick wire connector for easy splicing;

Accessories color can be customized

1. Luminous flux or CCT 2700K is 10% lower, or CCT 3000/3500K is 5% lower, for CCT 5000K/ 6500K is the same compared with 4000K.
2. Energy efficiency dass of regulation (EU)201 9/2020 is F(CRI80) for 4000K and G(CRI80) for CCT, it waries depending on CRI and CCT.
3. The transmission direction of data must be from PI to Po following the arrow printing on FPC for DMX/SPI version, and can't be made by reverse connection, otherwise the strip will be out of control or even domaged.

The LED neon Flex can be bendable and twistable any angle, like the following drawing; Accessory: Entry Cap, and End Cap, Mounting Clip.

.You can be creative to determine the neon display effect.

Ceiling mounting

Hanging mounting



Q1: Dè an ìre òrduigh as ìsle a th’ agad?
A:Mar as trice tha MOQ 50m, ach tha sinn cuideachd a 'gabhail ri òrdugh beag airson slighe.

Q2:A bheil òrdugh sampall an-asgaidh ri fhaighinn?
A: Gu dearbh, faodaidh tu sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air ar càileachd mus ordering.If tha riatanasan sam bith agad, cuiribh fios thugainn.

Q3:Dè cho fada den ùine luaidhe?
A: Mar as trice,tha an ùine stiùiridh againn 7-10 latha obrach.It an crochadh air an òrdugh quantity.But ma tha an òrdugh èiginneach, faodaidh sinn tagradh a dhèanamh airson riochdachadh èiginneach.Bulk ordering take 20-25 làithean.

Q4:An urrainnear stiall LED a ghnàthachadh?
A:Seadh,faodaidh sinn a thoirt gu buil mar do riatanas leithid LEDs,cumhachd,dh'fhaid agus uisge-dhìonach level.We cuideachd a 'tabhann OEM&ODM.

Q5:Dè am barantas agad?
A:Tha againn 3 bliadhnaichean agus 5 bliadhna barantas

C6:A bheil thu a 'toirt seachad luchd-mara?
A: THA,Tha a’ bhuidheann luingeis againn fhèin
FOB Guangzhou,solar FCL&LCL.
Q7:A bheil teisteanasan CE no barrachd aig an uidheamachd solais agad?
A: Tha, tha teisteanas CE agus UL againn, ROHS, HEAVY,ETL,TUV,FCC,Rionnag lùtha msaa. Tha IATF/ISO/TS againn cuideachd 16949 teisteanas.
Q8:A bheil e comasach an suaicheantas againn a chuir air do bhathar no pacaid toraidh?
A:Tha, tha factaraidh 6floors againn, fàilte gus do bhrand a ghnàthachadh, LOGO, dath, leabhar-làimhe toraidh, pacadh, etc.
Tha an ìre òrdugh as ìsle an urra ri diofar sheòrsa stiall.
Cuir do theachdaireachd thugainn: