Assess customer demand
Initial design cost&Tooling cost
Professional R&D team
Proto making&testing
Mold design, processing, manufacture
Mass production
Tha solais armachd proifeasanta airson òrdugh OEM agus ODM. We have rich experience to proceed the production and ensure the good quality.
Feumalachdan sampall 3-5 làithean, feumaidh òrdugh meud 10-15days
Mar as trice bidh sinn gan cur air falbh le DHL, UPS, FedEx no TNT. It usually takes 3-5 days to arrive. Airline and sea shipping also optional.
A’ chiad, leig fios dhuinn do riatanasan no drawing.Second, we quote according to your requirements.Third, bidh thu a’ dearbhadh agus a’ cur air dòigh pàigheadh airson òrdugh foirmeil.Finally, we will start the production and arrange shipment.
Is e càileachd a h-uile toradh solais Armor 3 bliadhnaichean, If customized project products with 5 bliadhna barantas.
Tha, please inform us formally before production and confirm the design firstly based on our sample.
Seadh,fàilte oirbh tadhal air an fhactaraidh againn. Can lets us know your visit schedule before two days and your interested products.
Tha sinn nar factaraidh gu dìreach às-mhalairt gu margaidh thar na mara.
Tha,bha solar aig a’ bhùth stiùir againn Lighting gu LANCOME , LEGO, ATHAIR, COISEACH, Burt’s Bee, Hasbro, Brògan, BRAUN, m&S etc.