C-Star 2020 (Fiera Euroshop)

C-Star 2020 terminato con successo.

Da settembre 2 per 4, 2020, C-star è pronta a scrivere un altro capitolo di successo nella storia della vendita al dettaglio al New International Expo Center di Shanghai (SNIEC). I professionisti del settore avranno accesso ai futuri sviluppi della vendita al dettaglio, esplora i principali concetti di design al dettaglio e la fonte dai più recenti progetti di negozi.

Since the Covi-19,Retail Industry has been hit hard. And China is coming fully recovering.Other countries are coming up. The Retail Industry will stage a new scene.

C-star and Shop jointly created the first window marketing challenge of VM Challenge 2020. Three professional teams and three student teams designed the windows of Italian fashion brand PINKO within 4 ore.

That’s the most attractive event in C-Star 2020.

Euroshop,The Realize of Successful Retail Trade Fairs Worldwide. It’s a unique and highly specialized retail trade show portfolio:

  • EuroShop
  • EuroCIS
  • Star
  • In-Store Asia

The top projects in these industries provide the best opportunities for important markets in the future. In terms of innovation and internationalization, EuroShop and EuroCIS have set standards for the next ten years in Düsseldorf. in-store Asia and C-star have opened the door for exhibitors to directly enter the huge Asian market.

As an outstanding partner and the organizer of many world-renowned special exhibitions, Messe Dusseldorf has rich experience, professional knowledge and insights into the retail industry, and has a keen insight into the development and trends of the global retail industry The four major exhibitions have been supported by representatives from all over the world.

C-star 2020 has come to a successful conclusion, let us meet together at C-star 2021!