Product Model | Width | vultaġġ | Max W/m | Cut | Lm/M | Kulur | CRI | IP | Control | L70 |
HM328W126Q90-D027T1A12 | 12MM | DC24V | 15W | 55.55MM | 1827 | 2700K | 80 | IP20/IP67 | ON/OFF | 35000H |
HM328W126Q90-D030T1A12 | 12MM | DC24V | 15W | 55.55MM | 1928 | 3000K | 80 | IP20/IP67 | ON/OFF | 35000H |
HM328W126Q90-D040T1A12 | 12MM | DC24V | 15W | 55.55MM | 2030 | 4000K | 80 | IP20/IP67 | ON/OFF | 35000H |
HM328W126Q90-D050T1A12 | 12MM | DC24V | 15W | 55.55MM | 2090 | 5000K | 80 | IP20/IP67 | ON/OFF | 35000H |
HM328W126Q90-D065T1A12 | 12MM | DC24V | 15W | 55.55MM | 2131 | 6500K | 80 | IP20/IP67 | ON/OFF | 35000H |
Wall washing lights have a very broad range of applications in the lighting sector, including urban building lighting, park lighting, road and bridge lighting, eċċ. A hard body wall washing light is the standard and demands a lot of installation space, a lot of volume, complicated installation, high cost, and so on. Since the invention of flexible wall washing lamps, they are preferred over hardware wall washing lamps due to their flexible silica gel construction, good flexibility, flexible size, suitability for a smaller installation area, rich light effect, and ability to accommodate a more elaborate installation scene. In order to achieve high grade waterproof, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, and other great properties, flexible wall washing lamp uses high waterproof material.
The construction lighting business benefits greatly from flexible wall washing lamps since they not only demand less installation space but also cost less money and have more varied application possibilities. It is not only cheap to produce, lightweight, and plastic, but it may also cut back significantly on setup fees and procedures.Pro series utilize 12mm PCB, while regular series use 10mm PCB. Pro Seies offers an IP65 DIY connector, as well as a version with CCT and DMX light. Our bead angle, which differs from other wallwasher strips, is smaller—36 degrees. Compared to SMD LED strip, the light intensity is up to 2000CD and has more lumens at the same distance. It has higher output light under the same luminous flux, longer irradiation distance, and more focused illumination than traditional strip lighting with a 120 degree angle. The reasons we believe it to be superior to a large wall washer are because it is adaptable, easy to install, and does not require time-consuming or expensive installation procedures. Also useful for maintenance and updating.
It features a smaller light angle and greater lighting effect than a regular light strip. It can take the place of the standard SMD light strip and is utilized in many cabinets. Led wall-washing lamps are more energy-efficient than conventional wall-washing lamps, and they can be used over a large area for an extended period of time in cities to reduce their overall electricity consumption. Most projects gradually replace conventional wall-washing strips with flexible wall-washing strips. Additionally, LED wall wash lights are environmentally friendly, safeguard the environment, and do not discharge any dangerous compounds.
The light is made highly colorful by the LED wall washer strip's numerous colors, rich beam angle, complete color temperature, monochrome, and RGB magic light effect, all of which are controllable through a program. It is appropriate for the installation and use of various building kinds.
We can offer suggestions if you need to utilize it with other light strips. You might also require a high voltage strip or neon flex for outside decoration. You can customize the length, wattage, and lumen to meet your needs. You don't need to be concerned about the quality or delivery time because we have a more than 20,000 square meter workshop with all necessary production tools and testing equipment. The product series consists of the SMD, COB, CSP, Neon Flex, High Voltage, Dynamic Pixel, and Wall-washer strips. Please get in touch with our sales if you require a sample for testing or any other information. huwa okay għall-OEM u ODM ?
Dawl Armor huwa professjonali għall-ordni OEM u ODM. Għandna esperjenza rikka biex nipproċedu l-produzzjoni u niżguraw il-kwalità tajba.
Q2.X'inhu l-MOQ? Nista 'jkolli xi kampjuni ?
MOQ baxx, 1 pcs għall-kwalità tal-iċċekkjar tal-kampjuni hija disponibbli Ordni tal-kampjuni huma acceptableand jilqgħu l-kampjuni personalizzati għall-proġett tiegħek.
Q3.How twil tal-Lead time?
Ħtiġijiet tal-kampjun 3-5 jiem, ordni ta 'kwantità teħtieġ 10-15-il jum
Q4.Kif tibgħat il-merkanzija u kemm tieħu biex tasal?
Normalment nibgħatu mid-DHL, UPS, FedEx jew TNT. Normalment jieħu 3-5 jiem biex jaslu. Airlineand tbaħħir bil-baħar wkoll mhux obbligatorju.
Q5.Kif tipproċedi ordni għal dawl personalizzat ?
L-ewwel, għarrafna r-rekwiżiti jew it-tpinġija tiegħek. It-tieni, nikkwotaw skond yourrequirements.Third, inti tikkonferma u tirranġa ħlas għal ordni formali.Finally, aħna se nibdew il-produzzjoni u nirranġaw il-ġarr.
Q6.How twil għall-garanzija?
Il-kwalità kollha tal-prodotti tad-dawl Armor hija 3 snin, Lf prodotti ta 'proġett personalizzati b'garanzija ta' 5 snin. huwa tajjeb li jistampaw il-LoGo tiegħi fuq il-prodott ?
Iva, jekk jogħġbok għarrafna formalment qabel il-produzzjoni u kkonferma d-disinn l-ewwel ibbażat fuq il-kampjun tagħna.
Q8.How biex tittratta l-Difettuża?
Noffru 2, 3 u 5 garanzija limitata tas-sena għal tipi differenti ta 'prodotti jew rekwiżiti differenti ta' proġetti tad-dawl. Matul dan il-perjodu, jekk il-klijenti għandhom il-kwistjonijiet ta 'kwalità li juru provi u dik il-prova hija approvata minn inġiniera tad-dawl tal-armatura, nixtiequ nissostitwixxu dawk difettużi b'oġġetti kwalifikati ġodda.
Jekk jogħġbok innota li l-garanzija mhix ugwali għal ħajja. Il-prodotti tagħna għandhom ħajja ta 'aktar minn 50000 siegħa..
Q9.Can nżur il-fabbrika tiegħek?
Żgur,merħba li żżur il-fabbrika tagħna. Tista 'tgħarrafna l-iskeda taż-żjara tiegħek qabel jumejn u l-prodotti interessati tiegħek.
Q10.Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali?
Aħna fabbrika direttament jesportaw lejn is-suq fuq il-baħar.
Q11.Do inti tforni dawl mmexxija lil kwalunkwe maħżen tad-ditta famuża Dawl?
Iva,maħżen mmexxi tagħna Dawl kellu provvista lil LANCOME , LEGO,LI JMISS,COACH, Burt's Bee,Hasbro, Stivali,BRAUN,M&S eċċ.
Rakkomandazzjoni tal-prodott