HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips
HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips
HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips
HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips
HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips
  • Streamer colorful TV background atmosphere lamp,
  • Immersive esports + watching movies,
  • HDMI lighting with screen synchronization technology + sound rhythm +APP control and other modes,
  • Automatically matches 17-120 inch screens
Dettall tal-Prodott Feedback issa





DC Port: 5.5×2.5mm HDMI output: loop out, 2.0b and below, 4K 60Hz and below
Operating voltage: 12V 0.2A USB SIDE/BOTTOM port output voltage: DC 12V (with adapter voltage)
Input voltage: DC 12V Output current of USB SIDE/BOTTOM port: 2A (Max)
Input current: 4A (Max) USB SIDE/BOTTOM port output data: magic light, RGB24bit, color sequence GRB, single channel maximum 100 pixel output
HDMI input: 2.0b and below, 4K60Hz
and the following
USB port 4PIN line order
1, VCC 2, Data out 3, NC 4, GND
Standby power



Power indicator: Abjad, always on
Mode indicator: tricolor, RGB
Mode indicator: WiFi indicator: Abjad, slow flash: waiting for networking; flash: networking; always bright:
networking success button: light touch button, reset button, long press more than 5S, WiFi
reset, enter the waiting distribution network
Pick-up: built-in Mimi / microphone, sensitivity-32DB (frank1kHz 0dB=1V/ Pa 1Pa 0dB=1V/ Pa)



Wi-Fi connectivity: 802.11 b / g / n
Channel 1-14@2.4GHz
support WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPA/WPA2 PSK (AES) security mode
Maximum + 16dBm output power in 802.11b mode
support STA/AP/STA+AP mode of operation
supports both SmartConfig and AP distribution modes (including Android and IOS devices)
on-board PCB antenna, antenna peak gain 2.2dBi
BLE connectivity Bluetooth mode supports 6 dBm transmit power
complete Bluetooth coexistence interface
on-board PCB antenna, antenna peak gain 2.2dBi
Mode indicator: WiFi indicator: Abjad, slow flash: waiting for networking; flash: networking; always bright:
networking success button: light touch button, reset button, long press more than 5S, WiFi
reset, enter the waiting distribution network
RF connectivity:
working in the 2.4GHz ISM band
Private protocol
reception sensitivity:-83dBm @ 2MHz
maximum transmit power: 7dBm
on-board PCB antenna, antenna peak gain 2.2dBi



Synchronous mode Optional
"movie" mode The top, bottom, left and right are shown as fusion colors, and the colors on the
four sides of the synchronous screen correspond to the center colors.
Video mode The top and bottom are shown as independent colors, and the colors around the
synchronous screen correspond to each other one by one, resulting in softening.
Game mode The top and bottom are shown as independent colors, and the colors around the
synchronous screen correspond one to one, without softening.
Brightness Adjustable, 1-100%
Synchronous delay ≤100ms
Light refresh frame rate 20Hz



HDMI protocol version Compatible with 2.0b
HDCP 1.4/2.2
Support resolution 3840×2160p(4K)@60 Hz / 1920×1080p@60 Hz
Support high refresh rate 120 Hz (1920 × 1080p)
CEC/Dolby Vision/ARC/HDR Support, through
HDMI transmission bandwidth 25-600 MHz
HDMI transmission rate 0.75-18Gbps
HDMI input line length 2160P ≤ 5m 1080P ≤ 10m/AWG 26 HDMI version 2.0 standard line
HDMI output line length 2160P ≤ 5m 1080P ≤ 10m/AWG 26 HDMI version 2.0 standard line
Support mainstream Device TV BOX: Apple TV, Fire TV Stick, Google TV Chromecast, NVIDIA Shield TV, Xiaomi
Box, Tmall Box, Tencent Aurora Box, other HDMI TV boxes Game consoles: PS5,
PS4, Xbox, Sw
itch… Computers: desktops, notebooks



APP control: smart life (including Android and IOS devices)
APP mode: 14 modes (movie mode, music mode, 12 fun modes)
Voice control: Amazon Alexa,Google Assistant,Smartthing, small degree



Product size: 145 mm × 85 mm × 23mm (L × W
× H)
Product weight: 185g ±5g
Surface treatment: black scrub
WORKING ENVIRONMENT: Operating temperature: 0 °C-40 °C
Humidity: 5% < H < 55%



HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips-




HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips-

HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips-


HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips-


HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips-


HM-HDMI Box with Lightstrips-

Q1.ls huwa okay għall-OEM u ODM ?

Dawl Armor huwa professjonali għall-ordni OEM u ODM. Għandna esperjenza rikka biex nipproċedu l-produzzjoni u niżguraw il-kwalità tajba.


Q2.X'inhu l-MOQ? Nista 'jkolli xi kampjuni ?

MOQ baxx, 1 pcs għall-kwalità tal-iċċekkjar tal-kampjuni hija disponibbli Ordni tal-kampjuni huma acceptableand jilqgħu l-kampjuni personalizzati għall-proġett tiegħek.


Q3.How twil tal-Lead time?

Ħtiġijiet tal-kampjun 3-5 jiem, ordni ta 'kwantità teħtieġ 10-15-il jum


Q4.Kif tibgħat il-merkanzija u kemm tieħu biex tasal?

Normalment nibgħatu mid-DHL, UPS, FedEx jew TNT. Normalment jieħu 3-5 jiem biex jaslu. Airlineand tbaħħir bil-baħar wkoll mhux obbligatorju.


Q5.Kif tipproċedi ordni għal dawl personalizzat ?

L-ewwel, għarrafna r-rekwiżiti jew it-tpinġija tiegħek. It-tieni, nikkwotaw skond yourrequirements.Third, inti tikkonferma u tirranġa ħlas għal ordni formali.Finally, aħna se nibdew il-produzzjoni u nirranġaw il-ġarr.


Q6.How twil għall-garanzija?

Il-kwalità kollha tal-prodotti tad-dawl Armor hija 3 snin, Lf prodotti ta 'proġett personalizzati b'garanzija ta' 5 snin.


Q7.ls huwa tajjeb li jistampaw il-LoGo tiegħi fuq il-prodott ?

Iva, jekk jogħġbok għarrafna formalment qabel il-produzzjoni u kkonferma d-disinn l-ewwel ibbażat fuq il-kampjun tagħna.


Q8.How biex tittratta l-Difettuża?

Noffru 2, 3 u 5 garanzija limitata tas-sena għal tipi differenti ta 'prodotti jew rekwiżiti differenti ta' proġetti tad-dawl. Matul dan il-perjodu, jekk il-klijenti għandhom il-kwistjonijiet ta 'kwalità li juru provi u dik il-prova hija approvata minn inġiniera tad-dawl tal-armatura, nixtiequ nissostitwixxu dawk difettużi b'oġġetti kwalifikati ġodda.

Jekk jogħġbok innota li l-garanzija mhix ugwali għal ħajja. Il-prodotti tagħna għandhom ħajja ta 'aktar minn 50000 siegħa..


Q9.Can nżur il-fabbrika tiegħek?

Żgur,merħba li żżur il-fabbrika tagħna. Tista 'tgħarrafna l-iskeda taż-żjara tiegħek qabel jumejn u l-prodotti interessati tiegħek.


Q10.Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali?

Aħna fabbrika direttament jesportaw lejn is-suq fuq il-baħar.


Q11.Do inti tforni dawl mmexxija lil kwalunkwe maħżen tad-ditta famuża Dawl?

Iva,maħżen mmexxi tagħna Dawl kellu provvista lil LANCOME , LEGO,LI JMISS,COACH, Burt's Bee,Hasbro, Stivali,BRAUN,M&S eċċ.




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