Assess customer demand
Initial design cost&Tooling cost
Professional R&D team
Proto making&testing
Mold design, processing, manufacture
Mass production
Dawl Armor huwa professjonali għall-ordni OEM u ODM. We have rich experience to proceed the production and ensure the good quality.
Ħtiġijiet tal-kampjun 3-5 jiem, ordni ta 'kwantità teħtieġ 10-15-il jum
Normalment nibgħatu mid-DHL, UPS, FedEx jew TNT. It usually takes 3-5 days to arrive. Airline and sea shipping also optional.
L-ewwel, għarrafna r-rekwiżiti jew it-tpinġija tiegħek. It-tieni, we quote according to your requirements.Third, inti tikkonferma u tirranġa ħlas għal ordni formali.Finally, we will start the production and arrange shipment.
Il-kwalità kollha tal-prodotti tad-dawl Armor hija 3 snin, If customized project products with 5 years warranty.
Iva, please inform us formally before production and confirm the design firstly based on our sample.
Żgur,merħba li żżur il-fabbrika tagħna. Can lets us know your visit schedule before two days and your interested products.
Aħna fabbrika direttament jesportaw lejn is-suq fuq il-baħar.
Iva,maħżen mmexxi tagħna Dawl kellu provvista lil LANCOME , LEGO, LI JMISS, COACH, Burt’s Bee, Hasbro, Stivali, BRAUN, M&S eċċ.